Milan's social circus map

Milan Freund makes a global social circus map

Milan Freund makes a global social circus map. 

The social circus archivist and lovely chap has made a global map of social circuses.

He writes:


After working for more than a decade with social circuses, I am still often inspired looking at the social circus map made by Cirque Du Monde. It taught me that social circus exists all over the globe. And I hope that someday I will visit Iglooliks circus in northern Canada – a place I only learned about through the social circus map. Thank you for creating that webpage. It made me dream, and it made me happy.

Over the years the map was not updated as much. I noticed it had links to projects which do not exist anymore, or links to webpages that need to be changed, and even a lot of amazing projects that were missing. I started checking all the links (>400) and created social circus map 2.0. I started programming and I was happy working on supporting this project. I hope it will make people dream, feel connected and inspired.

If your project is not listed or your listed project does not exist anymore please send me an email, I will update the map.

If you need a web programmer or want to buy me a coffee or help me buy my ticket to Igloolik please send me an email. If you have ideas to improve this page send me an email.

It was a lot of work, I totally over estimated my capacities. And I am very happy to be done.


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